[00:00.220]Notion - The Rare Occasions (以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供) [00:01.260]Composed by:Brian Mclaughlin/Jeremy Cohen/Luke Imbusch/Peter Stone [00:03.510] [00:12.170]Sure it's a calming notion perpetual in motion (当然这是一个让人平静的想法永远不会改变) [00:18.050]But I don't need the comfort of any lies (可我不需要谎言安慰) [00:24.040]For I have seen the ending and there is no ascending (因为我看到了结局没有一丝起色) [00:29.740] [00:30.520]Rise (上升) [00:36.040]Oh back when I was younger (在我小时候) [00:38.950]Was told by other youngsters (其他年轻人告诉我) [00:41.920]That my end will be torture beneath the earth (我的结局将是地下折磨) [00:48.000]'Cause I don't see what they see (因为我看不到他们眼中所见) [00:50.940]When death is staring at me (死神就在眼前) [00:53.990]I see a window a limit (我看见一扇窗一个极限) [00:55.940]To live it or not at all (要么认真生活要么彻底放弃) [00:57.790] [01:27.290]If you could pull the lever (如果你能拉一下操纵杆) [01:29.920]To carry on forever (永不止步) [01:32.900]Would your life even matter anymore (你的生命是否还有意义) [01:38.960]Sure it's a calming notion perpetual in motion (当然这是一个让人平静的想法永远不会改变) [01:44.960]But it's not what you signed up for (但这不是你期待的结果) [01:52.270] [02:04.190]I'm sure there won't always be sunshine (我相信阳光不会永远灿烂) [02:10.060]But there's this momentary beam of light (但这转瞬即逝的光芒) [02:15.480] [02:16.040]You don't have to wait those salty decades (你不必等待漫长的几十年) [02:18.790]To get through the gate it's all in front of your face (想要通过那扇门一切都在你面前) [02:21.440] [02:22.150]I'm sure there won't always be sunshine (我相信阳光不会永远灿烂) [02:27.600] [02:28.510]I'm sure there won't always be sunshine (我相信阳光不会永远灿烂) [02:34.390]But there's this momentary beam of light (但这转瞬即逝的光芒) [02:39.750]I could 'cross the ocean in a fit of devotion (我可以一往情深地跨越海洋) [02:45.590]For every shining second this fragile body beckons (每一个闪耀的瞬间这脆弱的身体都在召唤我) [02:51.600]You think you're owed it better believing ancient letters (你觉得这是你欠我的最好相信古老的传说) [02:57.620]Sure it's a calming notion but it's a lie (这是令人平静的想法但这是谎言)